It's not a fence, it's "special construction measures."
It's not a fence, it's "special construction measures."
Has the German Willkommenskultur given way to something more sinister?
Can Germans overcome their respect for regulations and cross against a red light?
According to Jürgen Habermas, "the increasingly high-pitched appeal by politicians to 'our values' sounds ever emptier."
Migration dominates Swiss parliamentary elections
Germany's 1-0 loss to Ireland in the Eurocup qualifying match was not the only bad news that week.
Roger Cohen of "The New York Times" and Jochen Bittner of "Die Zeit" exchange letters and barbs about Germany's role in the world.
Conservative partners in Germany's governing coalition want "transit zones," reject criticism that these are "camps."
How hard can it be? A professor of linguistics seems to think it's pretty hard.
merkeln = to merkel, to make no decisions
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